Do I need a degree to get into UX Design?
No. UX Design is a portfolio, networking, & experience-based job. However, College degrees do tend to help you with all those things. College networks can help you unlock opportunities available only to college students such as early career or intern programs. Studying UX Design can also help you build projects for your portfolio and gain easier access to industry professionals. Most Design jobs prefer or require College degrees, although they do not need to be degrees specifically related to UX Design.
Is a UX Design major worth it?
It depends, many programs are very new, and of course, designers come from all backgrounds. I would keep your mind open to different majors. If you need a portfolio and clear guidance, maybe a UX major is for you. If you want a unique background or want to do something like UX Writing or UX engineering, a different background could play as an advantage. If you are not sure what you want to do with your life, you may also want to go broader or explore majors. I would consider these Majors as well: Psychology, Engineering, Human Factors, Computer Science, IT, Anthropology, Communications, Design, Information Systems, & even English!
What alternative ways can I learn UX?
UX Designers come from all backgrounds, you’ll meet people who transitioned from sales jobs, had Spanish majors, or even some who went to a Bootcamp for a couple of months. There is no correct way to learn UX. Certificates and Bootcamps are great ways to learn for lower price points. You can find free certificates and even learn UX on YouTube or somewhere else on the internet. Although hundreds of thousands of others are doing this too. Learning UX Design will always be FREE, but working on real-world problems and networking will help you get these jobs.
What school did you personally go to?
Personally, for my undergraduate degree, I attended DePaul University and had a good experience. I was able to work as a marketing intern and eventually land an early career role in UX design for a consulting company. I enjoyed the traditional college experience while building a portfolio of cool projects. There are definitely better and similar programs all across the country. Sometimes I question if I should have majored in Cognitive Science, or Physics/Engineering instead. Yet, everything worked out for me. I know a bunch of amazing designers coming out of programs listed and not listed on this website, plus these are not the only schools!
Why study UX Design in the US?
I built this website for my younger self, an American high schooler who wanted to become a UX designer but still have a traditional college experience. There are world-renowned design programs all around the world, and I am working on adding them to this website as well. Still, the US is one of the most popular destinations for higher education and has some of the most well-respected universities in the world. The US is also home to the world’s largest and most famous companies, with Silicon Valley being a juggernaut in technology hiring for the past 20 years.
Is UX Design Still a viable career?
This is such a debatable question. UX Design seems to keep getting harder and harder to land careers in. UX Design used to lack designers, and now we are in a situation where there is an abundance. Finding a job may be tough, but if you have the determination and passion to work in UX design you’ll find a way. It’s not impossible, just hard. It’s hard to tell where the industry will be in the next couple of years and the next decade. Is it a safe career? Not particularly. Is it a rewarding career? Most of the time. Do I like being a UX designer? Yes. Is it a viable career? Yes, if you put in the work.
Featured are a list of URLs in which were sourced in the making of this website.,a%20salary%20of%20%2450%2C000%20annually.
more soon… (when I find the dang file.)
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